Proven Benefits of STEAM Education

What is STEAM Education?

STEAM education is an alternative approach to learning Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. It is an alternative approach because it uses modern and non-traditional methods of learning.

STEAM-based programs implement a hands-on approach to activities and design used to solve problems. Students use critical thinking and other important skills to complete tasks.

Why is STEAM Education Important?benefits of STEAM education

This type of education has revolutionized the way students look at subjects that they otherwise may have not been interested in. It’s no secret that there has been a shortage of interest in STEAM-related fields. As a result of this, these sectors have suffered and innovative personnel are in high demand.

Benefits of STEAM Education

Many School now have STEAM-based programs to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and comprehension required in careers that will help shape our future. STEAM education aims to inspire designers, engineers, scientist, as well as technology based careers.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of STEAM education.

  • Encourages creative and critical thinking
  • Inspires innovation
  • Develops problem solving skills
  • Hands-on learning
  • Collaborate with other students
  • Demonstrates how science, maths, art, and technology can work together

The skills children learn in a STEAM-based environment can benefit them in other areas of education and their life. For example, problem solving is something we all use on a daily basis, it’s not exclusive to education. Problem solving can also help in developing confidence in attempting tasks and demonstrates initiative.

Collaborating with others is something that your child will also use outside of education and in everyday life. Working with other students in on STEAM projects will help to develop other vital skills and values such as communication, patience, and co-operation.

Hands-on learning is far more appealing to kids than sitting in front of a computer or whiteboard. Getting an up-close and personal look at the mechanics of how something works will give children a better overall understanding of it. This is one of the reasons why robotics is a big part of STEAM education. Electronic circuits, mechanics and other robotic components require a hands-on approach to complete. Constructing and creating a working robot gives children a real sense of achievement and also provides them with a physical outcome of what they have learned.

The Art component of STEAM is something that some educators and parents might not fully understand. The importance of art in STEAM cannot be overlooked. Many studies have shown that art enhances academic achievement.

So, how is art used in STEAM? When we use the word art, we are referring to language, social studies, physical art, fine art, music, and design. Architecture is a great example of how science (engineering) and art come together. In STEAM, art is expressed in a variety of ways including, writing, design, and creating music or sound via an experiment.

STEAM Education at Home

There are many great tools you can use at home for educating your child about STEAM. This is a great way to introduce them early or encourage their interest. Discovery Education has a great list of ideas to use at home.

There are many activities your child already does at home that can easily be turned into education opportunities, for example, when making dinner you can explain the different types of processes you go through. Explain what is happening when the water boils, or how different types of heat work: gas cooking, microwave, and the oven. If you need some inspiration, has some great DIY STEAM ideas.

If you want to take it a step further, you could spark their interest with STEAM-based toys. Some of the more popular STEAM toys include robots like the 11 programmable robots we list for beginners, artificial intelligence robots e.g. Codey Rocky and kids electronics kits. These types of toys use most, if not all of the benefits that we listed above. Encourage your child to use these toys with their siblings and friends. It’s also a good idea to show interest in their projects too (even if it is just in the form of help).

STEAM Clubs and Camps

There are many schools that now offer after school STEAM clubs. This is a great way for your child to meet like minded friends. Some clubs specialize in robotics, coding, programming and some provide general STEAM education.

STEAM camps are also a great way for your child to get immersed in the world of STEAM. Camps are becoming increasingly more popular, partly due to the fact that they can provide a range of equipment and tools that perhaps small clubs and schools cannot. To find a camp near you, check out the STEAM camp finder from Our Kids. They list a range of different camps, their costs, locations and what ages they are suitable for.

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